Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I Took This Selfie.

It wasn't easy, either. My humans have paws with a separate claw that lets them hold things and stuff. So, it took me several tries. I think I'm looking good, though. I always think I'm looking good. You be the judge:

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Dude's Photo Gallery, with Sam and Scout, Too.

Sam's my buddy, but I'm the Alpha Dog in this house, so I'm in front.

Here, I'm letting George pet me at the Walk for Animals in 2013. I like George.

I ruined this soft frisbee. I chewed it too much. I chew everything too much.

Anyone want to play with the rope? Huh? Huh?

When Sam came here, he was scared and skinny. He lived in a cage in some laboratory for three years, where they did stuff to him. He's a lot better now.

Sam and I like to sit on Kathy's love seat, because we love Kathy.

Sam thinks this is a glamour shot. I admit, he's not a bad looking dog, for a purebred beagle.

Scout is a really old kitty. Sam is guarding her. She's 18 years old!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Sam and I Have a New Fence in our Backyard!

We're so excited. Now, we can stay out by ourselves in the great weather. George and our next door neighbor spent a week building it. George calls it "That Damned Fence," and he looks really tired. I think digging all those holes and stuff was hard. But, now we can sniff the neighbor's dogs through the fence and bark as loud as we want. Sam, having spent three years in a laboratory cage until Kathy and George got him from the Beagle Freedom Project, was very happy, and ran all over the yard. Cool beans!

Friday, January 3, 2014

I AM the Star Dog in This House!

Kathy's sister and husband showed up over the holidays and got all googly-eyed over Sam, the skinny beagle Kathy rescued from some laboratory, where he was being experimented on. Now, I like this skinny beagle a lot and all, but I still live here, too, doggone it. So, when John, Kathy's sister's husband, started to take a photo of Sam, I photobombed it. It's only right. See: