Tuesday, September 29, 2015

My Humans Cleaned Too Much

All of my favorte stuff is gone, I think. George and Kathy were going all week last week, carrying things out of the house and putting them in a big box outside. Now, I can't find the rug I peed on in the basement or all of the things I used to sniff every day.

I'm confused. But, everything is cleaner and there's more room for Sam and me and the two odd, small dogs that smell funny. I guess that's good. A big truck came and took away the big box outside today, so I guess all that old stuff is gone now.

Life's funny...

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Kathy & George Got Me a Baby Kitten!!

I'm so excited, I could just pee! It's really tiny, but I can tell it's going to be a cat someday. It's gray, with striped and white booties. George told me I have to not sit on it or chew on it. He said, "Dude, it's not a dog toy." So I won't do those things. Instead, I'll sniff it, let it play with my ears and tail and push it with my nose.

I talked to Sam, too, since he doesn't understand Human as well as I do. I told him what to do with the baby kitten, and he said, "OK." So, here are some pictures of the baby. I'm so excited!