I told you there was another cat, but I had not seen it. Last night, I saw it. For real. It's huge! It weighs at least 20 lb., and I'm just a little 32 lb. dog. It's all big and hairy, and doesn't act like a cat much at all. Kathy, one of my humans, said it was a Maine Coon, and calls it Beasley. I know about Coon Hounds, but I've never heard of any Coon Cats, and I have no idea what a Maine is. It walked right past my kennel and looked straight at me. Then it jumped on Kathy's lap. She rubbed it with something.
It didn't seem afraid. That's good, because I don't mean that cat any harm, either. The other cat and I have already reached a silent agreement. I won't bother it, and it won't hurt my nose. As soon as I can get an agreement from the second cat, my humans will let me out of this kennel most of the time.
Just now, George, my other human led me on my leash after our walk to where the first cat was lying on a rug. The rug is just like the one in my kennel. We looked at each other, but the cat didn't even stand up. I ignored it, which is my overall plan for dealing with it. George said Sit!, so I did. I got a piece of bacon stuff. My plan is working. Now, I'm back in my kennel, waiting for Kathy to return. I don't like it when my humans aren't here. I've been barking, but it does no good. I think I'll stop, since that isn't making Kathy come back. So far she's always come back, so she probably will this time, too.
This is an exciting day!
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