Saturday, December 21, 2013

I Have a New Beagle Buddy!

A week ago, Kathy came back from somewhere (I hate it when she's gone), and brought this beagle into the house. I was all "Now what is this?" and stuff. She put him (I did the sniff test) on the floor, and I went over to check out this intruder. Although I am only half beagle and half basset hound, I immediately recognized this dog as some sort of distant relative.

Turns out he had been living in a laboratory for his whole life, having experiments done on him. Kathy had contacted a group of people who were saving dogs like him from being "put to sleep" once their experiments were over.

Anyhow, his name is Allen (for now), and it looks like he'll be living here. So I'm making friends with him and have introduced him to my favorite toys and have offered to share some of them with him. He's very scared and shy, but I'm working on that with him. Kathy and George are doing that too. It makes me feel a little jealous, I guess, but it's good to have a dog buddy in the house. Here's a picture of Allen (so far) and me, sharing Kathy:

I'll let you know when there are updates. Oh, yeah, Kathy and George took him to the vet today, where he got some shots and stuff. Ouch! I licked his face, though, when they got back, so he feels better now.